An unrivalled
service for sellers

Why sell with us?

If you are looking to sell property Acuitus gets results

We have been achieving our clients’ objectives for over 30 years.

Every client has individual objectives but we have found that in the main, achieving the price the client wants within their timescale is undoubtedly the most important.

Acuitus offers two principal methods of sale from which our clients can choose:


We have held physical auctions for over three decades, bringing buyers and sellers together and building enduring relationships. For a decade we have offered bidders online access to the physical auction room. Since 2020 all auctions are live-streamed. The auction and auctioneer are viewed in real time and it allows those who have pre-registered to bid online, by telephone or by submitting a maximum bid beforehand. Auctions are held throughout the year.

Bespoke Online Sale

A service for sellers who are looking for a flexible solution for sales in the sub £10m range. It has all the best aspects of auction such as certainty and efficiency with an unconditional closing online but allows the sellers the ultimate flexibility of timing and marketing channels. The online platform is available for single and multiple assets.

“If your objective is to achieve with certainty the highest proceeds of sale within a timeframe that meets your requirements, then please speak to us.”

Richard Auterac, Acuitus
In-depth market knowledge

In-depth market knowledge

  • Continuously in the market: Acuitus has the in-depth knowledge to offer advice on the pricing of assets, on the buyers and on how to close transactions because we are permanently in the market advising on hundreds of individual properties each year and over the last 10 years having sold over 3,000 assets.
  • Specialists in mainstream property assets: We advise on and transact in retail, office, industrial and leisure assets across the UK.
  • Analytical approach to assets and investors: We not only have the technical knowledge from the physical and legal perspective of an asset but also we know what and how investors wish to transact
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Unique investor platform

Unique investor platform

  • People driven: Our relationships with our clients, whether they be buyers or sellers or usually both, are the most rewarding and enduring whether it be a sale of £100,000 or £10m. It’s the clients that we remember the most.
  • Technology driven: We have invested in technology over many years from our website, our online communication and sale capability to our database management, all backed up 24x7 in a secure data centre. This allows us to reach a global pool of private investors at regional, national and international levels and to deliver comprehensive and relevant marketing material.
  • Innovative flexibility: Whether the client wants the global reach or a bespoke marketing to a selected few, Acuitus can achieve this by combining the knowledge of our specialists and our proprietary investor platform.
Experienced and professional team

Experienced and professional team

  • Long term client service: We have successfully been a core part of the market for over 30 years and during that time concluded contracts for clients of over £7bn. In today’s money this will be a great deal more!
  • Undoubted client base: We have acted for an astonishing number of clients including the majority of leading UK investment institutions, banks, management consultants and commercial real estate agencies as well as high net worth investors and major property companies.
  • Director-led delivery: All directors are regulated by RICS and our business is founded on long-term relationships with our buying and selling clients.
  • Attention to detail: Enabling a transaction requires skill, dedication and patience. It is only when all these come together at the end of the marketing and due diligence process that it is possible for a sale to conclude. A successful online exchange of contracts is not left to chance.

What to do next

If you have a property or a portfolio of properties that you are considering for sale and would like to discuss strategy in confidence, our team is available to offer you advice on sale and guide you through the selling process.
Contact a member of the Acuitus team.